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Y o u r p e t w ill
lo v e
A n d
y o u 'l l
lo v e
h e lp in g
h im
e n jo y
M odem longevity diets are all about livin g a longer, healthier life, and now BLUE has
developed one for our furry fam ily m em bers.
Delicious Ingredients W ith Low Caloric Density
BLUE Longevity™ is a blend of healthy, natural ingredients with low caloric density. Th is
m eans that your pet can en jo y a d elicio u s and fu lly satisfying m eal w ithout lo ad in g up on
the calo ries that contribute to obesity and potentially shorten h is life sp a n *
A Balanced Diet W ith Anti-Aging Nutrients
H ealthy deboned W hitefish is the first ingredient in BLUE Longevity. W holesom e w hole grains,
garden veggies and fruit com p lem ent this tasty source of lean protein and O m ega
acids. O ur anim al nutritionists have selected these ingredients because they contain a w ide
variety of nutrients that have been show n to fight the developm ent of age-related diseases.
Increasing Your Pet's Lifespan
The an ti-ag in g nutrients in our w holesom e ingredients include V itam in s C , E and B Com plex,
Beta Carotene, Selenium and Zinc, along with those in our exclusive LifeSourceR
Bits. These
nutrients are com bined with the kind of low caloric density diet that has been show n to
increase the lifespan of pets.
A Longer, Healthier Life for Your Pet
W e all want our dogs and cats to live longer, healthier lives and now the nutrients in new
BLUE Longevity can help m ake that w ish a reality.
A l i f e l o n g f e e d i n g s y s t e m
B L U E L o n g e v it y f o r d o g s o r c a t s i s a v a i l a b l e in
P u p p y / K it t e n , A d u lt a n d M a t u r e F o r m u la s .
Y o u 'll fin d B L U E L o n g e v ity a t le a d in g p e t s p e c ia lty s to r e s .
A Nutrient-Rich, Optimal-Calorie Diet
with UfeSource* Bits
«mouomh i vtauim •
A Nutrient-Rich, Optimal-Calorie Diet
with UfeSource* Bits
, aMcuoMB i ttawn >
*JAVMA, Vol. 220, No. 9, M ay 1, 2 0 0 2 , p. 1316